You can write a letter to a persecuted Christian to encourage them with your words!  Send a physical or digital letter to those that are going through hardships so that our persecuted family knows that they are loved and cared for by the global church.

Review these steps first:

There are different letter writing opportunities available at different times of the year. Below, you can find the current opportunities. All letters must be received by the Open Doors Canada office by their noted due date.

Please note the important guidelines for your letter. For security reasons, if the letter does not adhere to these guidelines, we will be unable to send it. 
      • Show sensitivity. Please do not dwell on the recipient’s plight, share about the blessings of life in your country, or your own struggles. 
      • Do not mention Open Doors 
      • Do not mention other religions 
      • Do not refer to Israel, even when using scripture 
      • Do not criticize religions, religious extremists, governments, judicial systems or political leaders 
      • Do not send money or make proposals to help 
    • You can disclose your name and the country you live in, but do not provide your full name or full address.

For physical letters:

Mail all letters to Open Doors Canada:

Open Doors Canada
8-19 Brownridge Road
Halton Hills, ON
L7G 0C6

For digital letters, fill out the form here:

By submitting this form you are agreeing to receive communications from Open Doors Canada.

For physical letters:

Mail all letters to Open Doors Canada:

Open Doors Canada
8-19 Brownridge Road
Halton Hills, ON
L7G 0C6

For digital letters, send an email to encourage@odcan.org. Please state the persecuted Christian you are writing to, as well as your write-up that follows the writing guidelines. 

1 Corinthians 12:26 reminds us of this truth about the body of Christ, that “if one part suffers, every part suffers with it.”Thank you for taking the time to write and pray for a member of our persecuted family. Your words can help to encourage persecuted believers that they are not alone, but that their global family stands with them.

Current Opportunities

Narendran* and his wife Kavita* are a Christian couple ministering in a village in India. They have endured threats, attacks and violence, yet they cling to their faith and trust God to support their ministry.

Indian churches, like the one Narendan leads, are vulnerable to attacks by extremists. Mob violence creates fear among religious minority communities, including Christians, regarding their ability to gather and worship together. It is not uncommon that prayer meetings and religious ceremonies are disrupted by extremists, under the premise of these gatherings being a forced conversion ceremony.

Write to Narendran and Kavita and encourage them to continue boldly serving and following the Lord.

Due: September 30, 2024
Our brothers and sisters in Mexico are enduring various forms of persecution, from bullying to rejection by family members, neighbors, and even entire communities. Many of them face extreme deprivation, without access to necessities such as water, electricity, and education. Some have even endured imprisonment, physical assault, and public humiliation.

Within these communities are children and adolescents who do not quite understand why they are despised for their faith in Jesus. They experience persecution simply because the deviate from community or cultural traditions.

In visiting with believers in this community, many of them have expressed that at times, they feel lonely and isolated. Receiving a letter filled with encouragement, love and prayer support can lift their spirits and strengthen their confidence in God's perfect plan.

Send a letter of encouragement and let these brothers and sisters in Christ know that they are not alone!

Due: April 1, 2025
Indigenous Christian communities in Colombia face harrowing challenges, being rejected by their own communities and, in some cases, deprived of basic needs. At times, they are imprisoned or even pressured to follow their ethnic rituals instead of their Christian beliefs.

This is the case for the indigenous "Nasa" ethnicity, where Christian education has been banned and Christian families suffer due to their faith in Christ. In response, Open Doors has provided Biblical training sessions to address persecution in a Biblical manner, as well as offering trauma support and counseling. Additionally, a chicken coops project funding has been initiated to address the basic needs of our persecuted brothers and sisters.

However, the situation for children is particularly challenging. They must travel for two hours to receive quality education based on Biblical principles. This entails being separated from their families during the week and only being able to reunite with them on weekends.

We want to encourage these children and bring them joy! Send a short note, prayer or colourful cards and drawings from other children and let’s uplift Christian children of the Nasa indigenous ethnicity who endure persecution.